We are One

our We Are One series challenged us to embrace the unity God calls His church to live out. We began by setting a vision for church unity, recognizing that we are one body made up of many unique parts, each with a vital role in God’s Kingdom. We reflected on the sanctity of life, affirming the value of every person as created in God’s image. Finally, we concluded by focusing on our shared mission—to work together in spreading the gospel and making disciples. Unity is not just an ideal; it’s a calling that shapes how we love, serve, and fulfill God’s purpose. As we move forward, may we continue walking in unity, building one another up, and reflecting Christ’s love in all we do.

Day 2: The Continuous Empowerment of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is likened to a continuous source of energy, much like a car engine or a steam locomotive, propelling believers forward in their mission to love God, love their neighbors, and spread the gospel. This empowerment is not a one-time event but a constant renewal that enables believers to live out their calling in community. The Holy Spirit provides the strength and guidance needed to overcome challenges and remain faithful to the mission. By relying on the Holy Spirit, believers can experience a dynamic and vibrant faith that impacts their lives and the lives of others.
Acts 1:8 (ESV): “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Reflection: In what ways do you need the Holy Spirit’s empowerment in your life right now? How can you invite the Holy Spirit to renew and guide you in your daily walk?